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Class Descriptions

Gentle and Therapeutics

Breathing, gentle stretching and movement for beginners or anyone seeking to heal through Yoga. These yoga techniques and practices are tailored to the health needs of the individual to promote overall mind-body wellness as well as assisting individuals facing health challenges at any level manage their condition, reduce symptoms, restore balance, increase vitality and improve attitude.

Easy Does It

This class is perfect for those who wish to experience the benefits of Yoga but who don't feel ready for our Level 1. We like to call this class our .75 level. Gentler then a level 1 class but still focusing on a strong foundation for the practice. Long warm ups on the floor to start, working up to standing postures and then a long cool down and stretch.

Level 1

These classes introduce breathing techniques, emphasize proper alignment, and are designed to give you a firm foundation on which your practice can flourish. Perfect for students who have never practiced yoga before, who are returning to yoga after a break, or regular practitioners looking to brush up on their fundamentals. 

Level 1-2

Level 1-2 classes will assume some working knowledge of the basic poses. Poses will begin to be linked together through the breath as you work towards Vinyasa flow. The foundation for more advanced poses and inversions will be taught here as well as building strength and stamina. There will be more of an emphasis on linking the poses in the sequence, and practicing holds, variations, and breathing techniques that challenge the student to go deeper. Students are expected to work at his or her own pace to get the most out of her practice and know the limits and needs of her body.

Level 2

Poses are linked with the breath in these Vinyasa flow classes. Dynamic and creative sequences are designed to create focus, wake the inner body and still the mind. Some advanced poses may be given in these classes and modifications for the less experienced student. Not for absolute beginners 

RLY Flow Level 2-3

Our signature mixed level flow class. Poses are linked with the breath in these Vinyasa flow classes.
Dynamic and creative sequences are designed to create focus, wake the inner body and still the mind. Advanced poses may be given in these classes and modifications for the less experienced student. 
Six months of asana practice preferred.

Lunch Flow (2/3)

All the good stuff of a mixed level class in one hour.

Candlelit Flow

Is an all Level flow class open to students with skill levels ranging from having a solid basic practice to advanced students. Poses will start with a basic variation, and students can choose the variation and pace that works best for them. A sweet mellow flow class to help you wind down your evening. Not for absolute beginners, less instruction, some experience necessary.

Yin Restorative

Yin is a perfect compliment to the more active styles of Yoga, because of its passive and slow-paced nature. The Yin poses involve sitting or laying down. They focus on the connective tissue, ligaments, bones, and joints in the pelvis, hips, and lower spine. These Yin postures allow one to access the deeper parts of the body and to regulate the energy flow in the body. Yin Yoga has been known to increase mobility, lower anxiety and stress levels, and to provide the body deep nourishment and relaxation that it truly deserves. The practice of Yin teaches stillness, surrender, and acceptance, which are valuable qualities to develop in today’s fast moving world.

Iyengar Yoga

Named after Sri.B.K.S Iyengar this class pays greater attention to alignment with the utilization of props and precise actions in the body. It provides a good foundation for a beginner or an advanced student.

Yoga Tune Up

Yoga Tune Up® is a self-care fitness format that focuses on movement through dynamic and static range of motion exercises, yoga, self-massage with Roll Model Therapy Balls, breath strategies and mindset work to help you uncover your body blind spots. Each class helps you find areas of overuse, underuse or misuse and improves your body’s sense of itself.

Mixed Level Flow

A multi-level flow class with thorough instruction given, modifications suggested and more advanced postures offered.

Relax Deeply

Restorative class. Relaxation poses are held longer using supportive props to calm and quiet the body and mind. Appropriate for all levels.

Structural Vinyasa

Structural Vinyasa blends the ancient art of yoga with modern movement science.  This innovative new approach to vinyasa flow is based on the intricate biomechanics of developmental movement and the critical importance of breathing physiology in enhancing stability. Classes explore anatomy and movement patterns, targeting specific functional movements and using self-assessment to refine individual understanding of the body, seamlessly integrating a deeper understanding of the body into a vinyasa flow. Developed by Rising Lotus Yoga founder Claire Hartley, Structural Vinyasa classes explore monthly themes, designed to empower not only your yoga practice but all of your movement goals.


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